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Shenandoah Presbytery

Shenandoah Presbytery Office

Presbytery covers the following counties: VIRGINIA: Augusta, Bath, Clarke, Frederick, Highland, Page, Rockbridge (that portion lying north of Buffalo Creek), Rockingham, Shenandoah, Warren; WEST VIRGINIA: Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan, Pendleton; MARYLAND: McCoole Church.

The Presbytery office is located at 111 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Vision Statement:  The Presbytery of Shenandoah is "A Community of Christ for Worship, Nurture, and Mission."  Shenandoah Presbytery is a covenant body where Congregations are empowered to be centers of mission; people of God are equipped to be Disciples of Christ in a challenging world; church professionals are nurtured and strengthened for service; open communication and information are used constructively and creatively to keep all connected.

Shenandoah Presbytery Mission and Ministries


  1.       Camp Paddy Run.  Camp Paddy Run is a rustic church camp nestled in the Cedar Creek Valley of Northwest Virginia.
  2.       Circle Rock Retreat Center.  Circle Rock is a Presbyterian Manse in  Circleville, VA, and is a place of retreat for ministers and their families, other church leaders, church groups,
  3.       Disaster Response Team.  A Disaster Response could be anything from collecting and delivering much needed “Church World Service Disaster Kits” to reacting to a real emergency within the Presbytery and nearby communities.
  4.       Ethiopia/Lydia Center.  The Lydia Center is a ministry of the Illubabor Bethel Synod (IBS), Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, and is located in Metu (Ethiopia) at the synod compound.  It is a women’s ministry program of the IBS.
  5.       Ethiopia/Metu Community Library.  A library with books is an opportunity to help with the education of young people.  And it is an opportunity to connect with the people of Metu (Ethiopia), and especially with the children and youth.  This library is now open to the whole community, and will be the only “public library” in Metu.
  6.       Ethiopia Mission Network.  Events.  Conferences.  Bethel Synods.  Balinjera.  Newsletter.  Mission Connections.  Prayer requests for the partner synods.  Visits and interactions with partner synods.  Links Shenandoah missionaries to Illubabor.  Information and publicity.  Celebrations.
  7.       Ethiopian Partnership Committee.  The Ethiopian partnership Committee is a subcommittee of the World Wide Ministries Committee.   Many opportunities are available for learning and supporting the Partnership activities and events.
  8.       Ethiopia Partnership Programs (ICARE Illubabor Children Agape Response, English for Ethiopia, HEART Helping Ethiopian Orphans of AIDS Research Tomorrow, Church-To-Church Partnerships, Buy a Pastor a Cow Project)
  9.       Food Bank.  Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Virginia counties in Presbytery.
  10.    Food Bank.  Mountaineer Food Bank.  West Virginia counties in Presbytery.
  11.    Hunger Action.  Hunger Basics.  Four-Cents-A-Meal Program.  Food banks.  Volunteer Farm of Shenandoah.  Just Living Project.  Global Hunger Concerns.  Faith in Action Steps.   Just Eating.
  12.    Living Waters Team. Maury River Mission Community and the Shenandoah Living Waters Team have partnered with the Iglesia Alianza in Santiago-Atitlan, Guatemala to provide a “Living Waters for the World” water purification system.
  14.    Older Adult Ministries.  Older Adult Ministries is committed to equipping leaders, developing covenant connections and providing resources to welcome and encourage4 older adults to participate at every level of the church while, meeting their needs and utilizing their talents.
  15.    Presbyterians for Restoring Creation.  Responding to environmental crisis.
  16.    Presbyterian Men. Presbyterian Men represents all men of the Presbyterian   Church from Delaware to North Carolina.
  17.    Presbyterian Women. Nurture faith.  Support mission.  Work for justice and peace.  Build Community.
  18.    Resource Center.  Shenandoah Presbytery’s Resource Center contains over 7,000 items that are loaned out for personal and church use.
  19.    Shenandoah Presbyterian Pilgrimage. Presbyterian Pilgrimage is a three day event spent with other Christians for mutual spiritual enrichments and growth.
  20.    World Foundation for Children/Shenandoah Volunteer Farm.  Volunteer Farm of Shenandoah at Woodstock:  Through the efforts of thousands of volunteers, we answer the cries of children most at risk for health issues by raising fresh vegetables and meat at our farms
  21.    World Wide Ministries. Nurture the partnership with the Illubabor Bethel Synod in Ethiopia.  Promote the cause of global missions in the mission communities and throughout the Presbytery.  Serve as the conscience of the Presbytery and the community and encourage advocacy efforts on behalf of justice and compassion.  Promote ecumenical ministries.
  22.    Youth/SPYCE.  The Shenandoah Presbytery Youth Council is called to bring youth and adults together to build and strengthen the faith, fellowship, and mission of youth in our Presbyterian community.  Middle School Rally.  SALT leadership event.  Epiphany Party.  Senior High Rally.  Youth and Adult Council.  Shenandoah Presbytery Youth Council Extraordinaire (SPYCE).