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Mission & Purpose

A meeting of the Synod Men's Ministry Committee
The Mission Statement
Presbyterian Men of the
Synod of the Mid-Atlantic
Presbyterian Men of the
Synod of the Mid-Atlantic
"Presbyterian Men of the
Synod of the Mid-Atlantic"
provides men in each area of life with:
Tools for Christian Discipleship
Avenues for Vital Fellowship
Opportunities for Transforming Mission
All under the Lordship of Jesus Christ
What is the purpose of "Presbyterian Men Synod of the Mid-Atlantic"?
Five key words describe the purpose of Presbyterian Men of the Mid Atlantic Synod:
Leadership - Faith - Mission - Service - Fellowship
Mission Priorities: Ministries Selected for Attention Before Others
for Direct Service, Education and Advocacy
Camps & Conference Centers
- Massanetta Springs Conference Center - click to learn more
Disaster Assistance
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - click to learn more
Eradicating Human Trafficking
- General Assembly Mission Council Human Trafficking Roundtable
- General Assembly Policy on Human Trafficking - click to learn more
- Roundtable site - click to learn more
- News Archive on Human Trafficking - click to learn more
Men's Conference
- Synod of the Mid-Atlantic Presbyterian Men's Conference - click to learn more
Mission Trips
- Kenya Mission Trip - click to learn more

Carson Rhyne, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of the James addresses the Synod Men
The Synod of the Mid-Atlantic
is the third of four levels of governance in
the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Its geographic boundaries include:
Delaware - North Carolina - District of Columbia - Virginia -
Greater Baltimore - Northeastern West Virginia - Maryland
Included in our service area are 1,485 churches in 13 Presbyteries, or geographic districts.
There are over 100,000 Presbyterian men in the Mid Atlantic Synod.
There are over 100,000 Presbyterian men in the Mid Atlantic Synod.
These men are the clients of our Presbyterian Men organization Presbyterian Men is a lay-led, non-profit organization, affiliated with the National Council of Presbyterian Men, the official men's organization of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Synod of the Mid-Atlantic Website - http://www.synatlantic.org/
Presbyterian Church USA Website - http://www.pcusa.org/